Ann Wanjiro

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Ann Wanjiro

Ann is a single mother (46 years old) of 8 children (18, 17, 12, 8, 7, 5, 4 and 2 years old).
Her husband passed away in 2012 due to affected by asthma.
When her husband was alive, he used to bring home 12000 shillings a month, enough for the family to survive.

Ann casually works at a farm, but she gets the job only about twice a month, so that she cannot earn enough money to support the family.

One of Ann’s children goes to school, but she struggles to pay 470 shillings a month for the fee.
Other children stopped going to school since their father passed away, because of lack of finance.

Ann’s 5 years old daughter has a handicap and stays on a wheelchair.
She cannot talk, walk or use hands.
Ann needs to take her daughter to see a doctor for medication and rehabilitation at least once a week, but for 1 year Ann has not taken her daughter to go see a doctor, because of lack of finance.

Ann and her family suffer to live their everyday life.

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