Eunice Onsongo

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Eunice Onsongo

Eunice ( 55 years old ) is a single mother of 3 children, 26, 24 and 20 years old.
Her husband passed away in 2008 due to sickness.

All of her children went out from the house and live independently. But none of them has a job, because they have not completed their education.

Eunice´s eldest daughter is also a single mother of 4 children. She divorced her husband because he was married to another woman. She does not get any support from her ex-husband. Although she does not have a job, so that she cannot afford to pay school fees for her children.
Therefore, Eunice took all of her grandchildren from her daughter and look after them.

Eunice works hard as a cleaner everyday a week to earn money to give her grandchildren education.
But she still struggles to pay the school fees.

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